Monday, 14 September 2009

Psyche and Illusion

So last night I had one of the grimmest nightmares of my life, complete with people from my life past and present, as well as a host of people I don't know and may not even exist, but seemed to in the dream. Set in my university house, but in New Zealand, it ended with my losing all the possessions I care about, on my own, feeling the worst I can possibly imagine. A psychiatrist would have a field day with it I would imagine.

A massive topic on conversation at the moment is Derren Brown, with his lottery trick. A couple of my friends reckon the hint he dropped about how he would do it fixing the machine is the way he actually did it. Others think the way he said he actually did it must be true. I, don't really care. I've accepted the bloke is very impressive and I can't hope to ever second guess his illusions. I've been watching a lot of Jonathan Creek recently, if the guy existed, I'm sure he'll be able to tell us how he did it for sure.

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