I don't know what you're meant to do with this blogging lark in terms of do I say who I am, how old I am (The title gives that away) etc?

I have a lot of thoughts so maybe this is a good idea?..Or maybe I'll never do another post after this, time will tell...
So yeah, was down a local pub tonight with four chums doing a pub quiz for a laugh and it was. But a few things struck me...
Firstly, we scored 30 out of 60 (with a little help from the couple next to us), not bad for a group of twenty year olds lacking in life experience and historical knowledge due to not having been alive that long. We were however surrounded by teams of pensioners throwing us filthy looks every time we laughed or spoke to each other while the quiz was going on (and I mean between the rounds themselves)
The quizmaster was a bloke who runs several quizzes and different pubs in my fair town and his questions are in my opinion to a large extent ridiculous.
The most modern song in the music round was from 1998, with the vast majority of questions being from the 60's, which you could argue caters for a large extent of the people taking part, but I think, and I hope I will when im old (touchwood I get there) that they should spread from the 50's (the start of 'popular music' right to the present day!
The geography round concerned small African countries kings in the 70's amongst other things.
I guess it was for hardcore quizzers, but I found it a bit too serious, I know for a fact theres several teams of quizzers who go around my town to different pubs running quizzes on different nights to play, which is fair enough, but they take it very serious. All for a winning prize of 18 quid!...between 8, thats 2.25 each roughly?
On a lighter note, I'm listening to Basshunters album and enjoying it, and I don't care! He's below, 'So slimy, so greasy, such a Ken doll' you could say. I think hes a good lad, but each to our own opinion!

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