Thursday, 1 October 2009

Nearly dying, O Hello third year.

Where to fucking begin...
The trip to Liverpool turned into a massive letdown on my part with me contracting flu of some kind and being forced to come back on the sat by myself freaking out some squares on the Liverpool- Birmingham train with my shaking/sweating, mmmmm, drink that image in!
Did manage to get through the friday at least, just gutted that I couldn't last the weekend and enjoy myself with a load of lads who I don't see that often, shiiiiiiiiit.
This flu decided to hang around with a vengeance, and with me starting third year uni timetable on the monday, timing was as per usual impeccable.
I did make it in, I do feel sorry for my poor T.V class (the state I was in was not pretty), This story continued until yest, where I think my appearance and certainly how I feel, returned to something approaching normal.
Most of our house has been ill, if you had one of those lights that shows up viruses and shit in the air, it be like our house had chronic fog or something, nice.
Although, I did have another 20 inch pizza, which deffo made me feel better for a while, heres one we ate earlier...

Now I better get on with some Uni work, lecturers have been kindly telling us how we are entering the hardest year of our academic lives...and without working like an arsehole all year, failure at life will ensue. Sweet!

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