My granddad is on the mend (touchwood), which is great, will be heading home to see him at the weekend, as well as the grandparents dog which is completely, with no exaggeration, insane. Terrified of cats, rabbits, pieces of furniture, paper (not sure about paper), nevertheless she's a lovely animal and always puts a smile on my face. This article discusses facebook and how intricately
woven into some peoples lives it has become, the replies from various people around the UK are
particularly interesting I felt, I have friends who I feel would seriously struggle not to log on
for a few days. I log on a lot of the time because I'm avoiding work or killing time, however I'll freely admit
that I would struggle to delete it.
Rest of the day is going to be as follows, dissertation research (I'm going to be completely
changing my question), finishing my popular music culture reading, maybe some fifa? (I got promoted and
have cranked the difficulty up to world class!), Nando's for my good friend Claire Malone's 21st (Happy
Birthday!) and then maybe vodbull at Oceana for the aforementioned birthday.
Lets have it.
P.S- I just spent 20 minutes watching Miley Cyrus videos, what is wrong with me!!
...She is so fit though.
Is Emma Stone fitter?

I'd settle for either, you know, I'm just easy going like that...
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